Chanyu Wazdatta

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Unlike most nomadic cavalry units which are armed either with spears or bows, the Chanyu's Retinue or Tarkhan is armed instead with two things — Siberian-style lamellar armour, as well as bronze maces. These specialised weapons, while not ideal for attacking chariotry, are nevertheless useful for cracking apart enemy cavalry and light infantry at close range.

Because of this, these units are best used for countering enemy cavalry at close range using their armour-piercing weapons. The use of the Chanyu's Retinue thus is simple - march them into the guard of enemy cavalry, then attack them from close up with these vicious weapons. Units such as the Saka Sahiya Hadabara, or the Yuezhi Taxwaran Wazdatta (or even Chinese units weakened by skirmishing) stand no chance when they are attacked by a Chanyu's Retinue from close up. In which case, there is only one defence — and that is to either stay out of their range using lighter cavalry units, or to fend them off using weapons such as pikes or Kek halberds which are highly ideal for countering cavalry units. Ultimately, however, a Chanyu's Retinue is best used only against factions with very good cavalry, such as the Xirong or the Saka. Against the Chinese factions, good old-fashioned Steppe Archers and Steppe Cavalry are the best and should be used instead.

Notes[edit | edit source]

Steppe Lancers from Project 666 will have to be torn aprt. Chances are they will be mixed in with one of the Skuda variants of K & Cto prepare this new unit.