Hoplitai Indohellenikoi

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Overall strategy[edit | edit source]

The finest spear unit in Bronze Dawn, Hoplitai Indohellenikoi consist of the last vestiges of Greek rule in India and Bactria, being raised from either families of Graeco-Iranian colonists, or from local Indians who have adopted Greek heavy infantry tactics, and very much represent one part of the heavy infantry of the Saka - the other half is represented by the Gund-i-Sugdianavanig. However, whether they are of any use in a game dominated by horse archer units and halberd infantry is anybody's guess — they may still be useful as a cavalry counter of some sort, but are clearly a very expensive option that shouldn't always be used all the time.

History[edit | edit source]

Historically, when the Hellenic and the Steppe cultures and infrastructure met, adaptation ensued. The Hoplitai Hellenikon are one such adaptation; the natural result of the military traditions and designs of both. To the North of the Oxus, the Sakae hordes massed; clad in their superb armor, while to the South, the Hellenes prepared their ordered phalanx to meet the furious onslaught with cold discipline. When the Sakae did secure the settled cities of the Hellenes, many were able to maintain a great deal of their Greek culture and most retained the majority of their original population. Though now operating as the suzerain of these new possessions, many Sakae Kings chose to allow older Hellenic governors to retain local posts, permitting them to (to a certain extent) take advantage of the pre-existing Greek military infrastructure. Having wisely maintained the old systems, they could then draw on some of their Hellenic subjects as regular soldiers, calling on local Hellenic meridarchs or even the petty princelings or rajakumara of tiny hill kingdoms in the South-East to levy them on their behalf.

References[edit | edit source]