Jinete Skirmisher

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"...of all the arms the Castilians and your countrymen make and use, I love the dart best [...] they are very expert at it; and I tell you, whoever they hit with it, he must indeed be strongly armed, if he be not pierced through and through."

- Jean Froissart, Chronicles

In game[edit | edit source]

Superjinete ico.png
Jinete Skirmisher — Vital statistics
Jinete Skirmisher

Unique medium cavalry unit with a missile attack, stronger and faster than normal javelin cavalry.

Prereq: Build time HP LOS Attack Attack speed Movement
Upgrade of
  • High Mediaeval Era [2];
  • Level 3: Heraldry and Code of Honour Military
82 9 18 1.9s

Jinete ico.png

Cost Created from Armour Weapon range Specialty
Base Ramp Pop
Timber: 60;
Wealth.jpg: 40
Timber: 1;
Wealth.jpg: 1


1 0–5

Can attack units whilst pursuing.

Moors.jpg Spain

Overall strategy[edit | edit source]

Clad in an aeclectic mix of European and Saracenic equipment, Jinete Skirmishers are more heavily armed than Jinetes, and although without the same range and accuracy as the crossbow cavalryman, their lightning-speed ranged attacks and strong anti-cavalry attack allows them to function in all manner of roles - raiding lightly defended areas, support an advance on the flanks, and even harassing enemy cavalry, like most javelin cavalry. Just remember to stay away from missile weaponry or melee cavalry, though - although these units have a fair bit of armour, it will do no good to be caught by heavy lances or even bullets.

Initially lightly armoured in the tribal ways of North Africa, jinetes over the centuries acquired a hybrid mix of equipment, reflecting both Christian and Moorish influences and their use by the native kingdoms of Iberia. Spain wasn't the only battleground in which jinetes served, however; during the Italian Wars, cavalry units raised and trained using the same traditions of the jinetes proved their worth against their French enemies.

Unit summary[edit | edit source]

  • Big Is Not Beautiful — The strong attack and speed of the Jinete allows it to be used as a counter for any heavy melee unit.
  • Know When to Retreat — Light units such as Light Cavalry and Mounted Rangers however can easily fell them, so keep your Jinetes properly escorted at all times.
  • Cavalry Traditions — Because of the Moors' penchant for generating added food and wealth from farms, Jinetes, alongside Moorish light infantry, are best used in an offensive fashion. Christian factions that have access to Jinetes will discover that they are better used as support or defensive units.
  • Stradiots — Hungary and Venice can raise Stradiots, which are horsemen fighting in a style similar as Iberian Jinetes, available as mercenaries to various nations in the Imperial Era, although they have different requirements in order to be created.

History[edit | edit source]

The terrain of Iberia which varied between arid deserts and deadly mountain passes meant that whatever military cultures in that area had to be as flexible and innovative as possible. In this environment, javelins were the preferred over bows as the weapon of choice, due to perhaps the geographical diversity of Iberia and North Africa, and most likely because of a lack of wood — a javelin would have remained in a more serviceable condition than an arrow at the end of a fight! Of course, light skirmishing skills are not the sole monopoly of nascent Iberian nation-states: the mountains of Greece and the Balkans are the home to Stradiots. These are horsemen fighting in a style similar as Iberian Jinetes, available as mercenaries to various nations in the Imperial Era, sacrificing sophistication and training for recruitment speed.