Occurs in:
Citrus fruits can be traced back to Asia, where they were first cultivated. Various cultivars ranging from limes to oranges and pomelos all grow in the hills of the south.
- +10
- +10
- Naval units regenerate over time.
Occurs in:
Aside from producing food if slaughtered, sheep also provide valuable milk and wool which is easier to weave than tree bark fibre. Sheep are also of great ritual significance: the holy men of China use their bones to foretell the future.
- +10
- +10
- Villagers 33% faster; 15% cheaper
Slave Emporion
Occurs in:
The best way to dispose of your foes and other undesirables is to sell them off to others willing to endure them. At the drop of a coin — or a few more — troublemakers become the prestige and profit of others, wherever slavers congregate with their grisly traffic in human flesh and misery.
- +10
- +10
- Citizens and slaves construct buildings and wonders 10% faster.
- Spawns slaves in your capital whenever commerce research is completed: 1 from levels 1-3, 2 from levels 4-5 and e from 6-7
Occurs in:
With salt and spices, food could be preserved and kept for longer periods, or at least have the taste of spoilage concealed with strong flavours, with the most desired spices being pepper, cinnamon, saffron and ginger.
- +10
- +10
- +20% income from Tradesmen
Occurs in:
Comfortable and resilient, silk bought China much wealth and was the one reason for the existence of the Silk Road until the Late Middle Ages when the Romans managed to smuggle silkworm moths into Greece. Silk however was somewhat scandalising as it was somewhat seethrough: Roman emperors tried to proscribe the use of silk without success, while Muslims considered it inappropriate clothing material for men.
- +10
- +10
- -25% research cost for
Occurs in:
Malleable yet enduring, gold was the ultimate prize in the classical world: it was, after all, the reasons for the fame of the Egyptian pharaohs and possibly the power of the Argeadae of Macedon as a stable denominator of value. There are many deposits across the known world, but the Altai ("golden") Mountains contain most of it.
- +30
- -10% cost to
Occurs in:
The scent of incense can be of such great strength that it obscures other less desirable odours. For this reason, incense featured greatly in many religious rituals, such as invocations and funerals.
- +10
- +10
- -25% to cost of House of Worship research
Occurs in:
Granite is a coarse-grained, light-colored igneous rock and has been used for thousands of years in both interior and exterior applications, although not as preferable as marble. The most famous use of granite in construction was in Egyptian funerary monuments: the interior reaches of the Pyramids are lined with granite slabs.
- +20
- -10% to all costs
Occurs in:
Exploiting natural animal resources is one of the cheapest and most effective ways of making profit from virgin territory as they are tough enough to hunt their quarry, or fight or trade with the natives for pelts.
- +10
- +10
- -25% to research cost for
Occurs in:
By virtue of their dexterity and sociability, horses formed the economic and military lynchpins of many empires. Nomadic tribes on horseback were feared for the deadly speed and flexibility their warriors had. Horses also had a vital non-belligerent role as well: the Persians (formerly a nomadic tribe themselves) used of horses in the chaparkhaneh, a courier system which can be considered the world's first postal service.
- +10
- +10
- -15% to Stable unit cost
Iron Ore
Occurs in:
Despite being the most common metal in the world due to its presence everywhere, it is however harder to find deposits of iron ore large enough for economic exploitation. Nevertheless, there are countless areas in the world where this strange metal can be found.
- +30
- -10% cost for
Occurs in:
If there was a way of proclaiming one's own worth through opulence, the mere possession of these animals from distant lands would be the ultimate prestige symbol.
- +10
- +10
- +10% to population cap
Occurs in:
A beautiful metamorphic rock, marble has been the dream medium of choice for sculptors and stonemasons everywhere ever since man learnt to build tall walls .
- +10
- +10
- -10% cost for wonders
Occurs in:
Although not as hard-wearing, glass is still very much prized by the Chinese for its appearance.
- +20
- Tribute-related requests during scenarios can be fulfilled without expending tribute.
Occurs in:
Apart from being asthetically attractive, gems were also thought to have mystical powers, a belief that has lasted well into our own day. Gems prized by the Chinese included amber, haematite and malachite.
- +10
- +10
- +2 to borders
Occurs in:
Fish and seafood formed a vital component in the diet of beach-dwellers, but not everyone would be content with bland fish meat. The most notorious use Romans had for fish was to ferment it to form garum, a fish sauce which they used to flavour almost everything which was edible to them — but whose production was a smelly process which resulted in laws regulating the location of garum refineries!
- +10
- +10
Occurs in:
A strange crop from beyond Nanyang — sugarcane — has found its way into Chinese lands, but the southern land of Min is the only place where it can grow in abundance.
Occurs in:
Although the ancient world could use all sorts of materials for dye including lime, ochre (petrified rust), soot, woad and even human urine, the most prized of all dye was derived from the murex, a crustacean whose bodily secretions contained high levels of iodine, producing a beautiful purple colour. So prized and so difficult was it to extract murex dye that only the extremely rich could afford fully purple fabrics. Roman emperors had the benefit of full purple vestments — senators had to make do with purple coloured trim in their clothing to denote their status, and commoners none at all.
- +10
- +10
- -25% research cost for
Occurs in:
Relics served as a link to a holy personage or to divinity itself. In Homer's Odyssey, the Argives tried to steal the Palladium, a relic which supposed was sent down from heaven, as they thought it would give them victory over the Trojans. The appeal of relics as cultic objects was so robust that it lasted even into the mediaeval era.
- +20
- +10
- +33% research and upgrade speed
Occurs in:
While gold often stole the limelight for precious metals, silver was no less significant, although it was liable of tarnishing much faster than gold normally would. Contrary to popular belief, Roman soldiers weren't paid in salt, but were salaried instead in silver.
- +10
- +10
- -15% cost to research of Reforms
Occurs in:
Equally as vital as gold was salt, which is fundamental to the functioning of the human body as well as for the task of preserving meat and vegetables. So valuable and vital was salt that the term "salary" refers to the practice of frequent payments to Roman soldiers to allow them to buy salt.
- +10
- +10
- Cost of barracks troops reduced by 15%
Occurs in:
Although the onset of the Iron Age almost two millenia ago effectively reduced the importance of copper, the mining of copper still continued to take place. Copper continued to be the metal of choice for cooking utensils as it was elegant, and tended to resist heat better than iron. Some also believed that cooking with copper pans also improves food's nutritional value.
- +20
- +20% HP to mechanical units
Occurs in:
This strange viscuous fluid can be found in abundance in many places in Asia, and has proven to be useful as both a sealant and a waterpoofing agent. The vapours of this material are thought to induce visions from the gods — but nobody takes that seriously.
Occurs in:
Cattle was by the preferred choice for pastoralists in Classical Europe: aside from providing leather and meat, bulls could be used as beasts of burden, and cows would provide milk which was then used to produce butter and cheese. The Celts were known to be expert cattle well as rustlers.
- +20
- +1 armour for Citizens.
Occurs in:
Formerly ubiquitous and native to almost all but the loftiest heights of the world, bison are now confined to the northern reaches of Europe.
- +20
- -33% costs to Granary upgrades.
Occurs in:
Tea was certainly known as a beverage as early as the Zhou dynasty in China and by the time of the Tang era, tea was the national drink of China, spreading from court circles to be popular throughout Chinese society. Tea was traded west in Tibet and beyond for horses, which were of interest for the Chinese.
- +10
- +10
- Free Scouts and Merchants
Occurs in:
Hard-wearing, yet elegant and translucent, jade is the god of all gemstones. For this reason the Chinese have even adopted it as a touchstone by which all other stones are judged, and jade itself has become a holder of value, perhaps, even beyond the grave itself.
- +10
- +10
- The cost to buy goods at Market reduced by 10; price of goods sold at Market increased by 10
Occurs in:
The sumac tree is the primary source of lacquer, which is used to manufacture high-quality ceramics and wood products, which are increasingly favoured by the Chinese nobility.
- +10
- +10
- -25% to research cost of
Occurs in:
Rhinos, commonplace in southern China and the lands of the Viet and Nanman, are prized not just as game animals, but for their skin and horns, which are prized as medicines, military-grade armour as well as luxury goods.
- +10
- +10
- +10% HP to all units
Occurs in:
These strange-looking creatures have a hide that is both light, yet resistant and waterproof, making them a prize worth hunting.
- 10
- +10
- +20% naval unit speed