House of Worship
- For the Bronze Dawn equivalent, see Temple.
A House of worship (or more commonly called, a "Temple") is a building which expands its host city's influence on national borders, and also improves the host city's ability to defend itself. Level 1 Science (Classicism) must be researched at the Library to access this building and its resident upgrades, although the Papal States can build it off the bat.
A house of worship also serves to conduct religion and taxation research, and also recruits low-level chivalric order units for Christian factions. For Muslims, the House of worship is also the recruitment site of some of its best units, but only if a certain type of government was chosen.
Units trained[edit | edit source]
"Chivalric orders":
Islamic units:
Upgrades[edit | edit source]
[edit | edit source]
Although caravans passing along trade routes can collect wealth, tax however is the main way by which you can enrich your coffers with wealth.
Tax ensures that you can collect money from any active economic activity which goes on in your realm, as well from the percentage of territory you control on the map.
Note: Level 4 is attainable only with Centralisation.
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Muslim religious research[edit | edit source]
The House of Worship plays host to Five Pillars, one of the two Muslim unique technologies. Five Pillars is required for Muslims to access a variety of unique units, technologies and wonders.
Five Pillars ![]() |
"I seek refuge with the Lord of Men, from the evil of the sneaking whisperer who whispers into the chests of Men." |
Trivia[edit | edit source]
Five Pillars is available to the Chagatai faction in Renovatio Europam. To conterbalance it, the Chagatai however are not allowed to build any naval unit other than a Dromond until the Imperial Era is reached.