- For the Bronze Dawn equivalent of this building, refer to Town Centre.
The Library handles fundamental groundbreaking research, which then feeds into new technologies, buildings and of course new units. Generally, each new game begins with a Library already set up, so all that is required is to obtain resources required to buy the research the Library has to offer.
There are five paths of research in the Library: Science , Commerce
, Civic
, and Military
, as well as three trunk technologies. Each one of them is a prerequisite for further research, which in turn might contribute towards bettering your units and even the stylistic appearance of your faction's buildings!
Trunk technologies 
- The Bird of Time has but a little way
To flutter--and the Bird is on the Wing. — Omar Khayyam, Rubaiyat
Trunk technologies allow your faction to grow and mature as a civilisation, and are required to access Reforms and Research which enhance your faction vis-à-vis others. They replace the former Age or Epoch techs of other games.
Early Mediaeval Era |
— an axe age, a sword age
None, basic. | |
High Mediaeval Era |
The best fortress which a prince can possess is the affection of his people.
Late Mediaeval Era |
"Ye are the light of the world. A city that is set on a hill cannot be hid." —Matthew 5:14
Scientific research 
- "We know not a truth without knowing its cause." — Aristotle
Science research increases line of sight for many of your units (including buildings), makes new Resource technologies available so you can increase gather rate, permits construction of new types of buildings, and decreases the cost of all other technology research incrementally.
Classicism |
"A prudent man should always follow in the path trodden by great men and imitate those who are most excellent."
| |||
Natural Law |
"The vicar of the Almighty." —Geoffrey Chaucer
Mathematisation |
"He who is ignorant of mathematics cannot know the other sciences nor the affairs of this world." —Roger Bacon
Chemistry |
"All substances are poisons; there is none which is not a poison." —Paracelsus, 16th century Swiss surgeon and scientific philosopher |
Biology |
"No form of Nature is inferior to Art; for the arts merely imitate natural forms." —Marcus Aurelius |
Optics |
"Who looks out with my eyes? What is the soul? I cannot stop asking." —Rumi
Empiricism |
"He who perceives, has knowledge thereby ." —Anselm of Cantebury, 12th century bishop |
Commerce research 
- "He understands where, when, and how much to take in and pay out." — Leonardo Bruni
Commerce research will cost you Timber and Knowledge at the Library. When you complete Commerce research, your Commerce Cap goes up for all Resources you gather: Food, Timber, Metal, and Wealth. You can gather more of them only up to the Commerce Cap; surpass the cap and any excess is simply lost to you. Commerce research along with Civics research is also required to gain access to a variety of military units as well.
Caravan Train |
"A journey of many miles begins with a single step." —Taoist saying
"[He] has made the earth your couch, and the heavens your canopy." —The Qur'an (2:22) |
Linguistics |
"Stick to your own grammar, my lord, for it is much better." —Richard I Lionheart
Compass |
"In losing me, you might yourselves be lost." —Dante Alighieri, Paradiso (Bk II)
Guilds |
"Everyone has been made for some particular work, and the desire for that work has been put in every heart." —Rumi
Banking and Finance |
"We are in need of money, and without money, nothing of what should be done, can be done." —Anna Comnena, Alexiad, Cap I
Mercantilism |
"Better to be cheated by the price than by the merchandise." —Baltasar Gracián, 17th century Spanish priest and author
Civics research 
"Believers, be steadfast and guard your borders."— The Qur'an
Civics research allows you to build one new city with each completed round, and increases your national borders. If your borders abut other nations' borders, then you'll gain strength in the pushing match. If you don't touch territories yet, the diameter of space around your Cities simply expands.
Civics research is also vital for various upgrades, most notably those related to Religion and
Taxation at your
House of Worship.
Manorial System |
"He made safe his castle that was upon a high hill, and he gathered in his flocks."
Bureaucracy |
"Kings are wont to create as many eyes, ears, arms and legs for themselves as they see fit."
Law Enforcement |
"A just city should favour justice and the just, hate tyranny and injustice, and give them both their just deserts." —al-Farabi
Jurisprudence |
"They who do not mix their belief with injustice will have security, for they are rightly guided."
Political Theories |
"I am a lover of liberty. I will not and I cannot serve a party." —Erasmus
Sovereignty |
"Be of one mind and one faith, that you may conquer your enemies and lead long and happy lives."
Divine Right |
"I am the King of Rome, and therefore am above grammar."
Military research 
"Any man clad in armour and bascinet is as noble as any prince or king."
Completing Military research increases your file:population cap and also allows you to start upgrading your units at your military structures. Additionally, the cost of units and unit upgrades is lowered with each successive level researched.
Population Limits
Players normally start the game with a Population limit of 50, and every successive level of Military research attained will increase that amount by the same, allowing a player a normal maximum pop cap of 400. With the Serbian population bonus, the Porcelain Tower Wonder and a Peacocks resource patch, you can raise your Population Limit to 590.