Category:The Northern Ravens factions
Building systems[edit | edit source]
(Please build a tribe mask reference card for insertion into Steam)
These guys use the stock Rise of Kings system - Peasant Commune, Magistracy, Nobles' Court HEAVY WORK IN PROGRESS
- Papal States
- Wessex - confirmed
- Lombards
- Franks / French* - Americans
- Asturias/Iberians - Spanish
- Kievan Rus'
- Bulgars
- Cordoban Emirate
- Abbasids* - Egyptians
- Byzantines -British
- Alba
- GWynedd
- Khazars?
..... AND these guys use the Warbirth system - Hovels, Warrior Hall
- East Anglia
- Munster
- Alba? - Inca
- Tara
- Northumbria
- Mercia
- Strathclyde
- Norwegians - Lakota
- Viking Sea Kings
- Bretons - Turks
- Alemanni ?
Missing / omitted: Magyars. Probably represented as Turkic mercenaries in pay of various factions.
unit recruitment pool[edit | edit source]
- ALL Norse factions have Seeresses. Seeresses were said to practice seidr, Norse magic; they would cast the runes for the future and served as medics. In-game function could be to heal and to lift fog of war as an idea.
- ALL Christian factions have Priests. Priests were typically brought to battle while Seeresses were not always as they believe they have foreseen events.
- ALL Norse Generals called Hersirs. Commanders of Norse warbands.
- ALL Norse "senate" leaders called the Jarl. Leaders of Norse clans.
- ALL Germanic factions have Seers and Seeresses; though it is not known what they called their own abilities, I do believe both men and women were allowed to practice this. Otherwise function the same as Norse Seeress.
- ALL Germanic Generals called Algemien. Commanders of Germanic warbands.
- ALL Germanic "senate" leaders called the Reik. Leaders of Germanic clans.
- ALL Anglo Saxon factions have Huscarls and all but East-Anglia field longbowmen.
- ALL Anglo-Saxon General units called the Ealdorman. Leaders of Anglo-Saxon regions.
- ALL Anglo-Saxon "senate" leaders called the Earl. Leaders of Anglo-Saxon Kingdoms.
- ALL Norse factions should field the best Navy only competition being Frankia and the Byzantines.
- ALL Norse factions have Berserkirs - the Berserkir was a crucial unit for the Vikings.
- ALL Briton factions field excellent archers. Welsh field the finest of all factions.
- ALL Anglo-Saxon Kingoms may call upon their Fyrds (for defense) - Levies from surrounding Earldoms. If possible, differentation of factions' Fyrds' power based on their own power would work.
- Late-game feature mixing of Danes (non-unique units to the Nordic factions) into Anglo-Saxon rosters. Lower-tier Dane units except Wessex which was known to learn Viking tactics.
- Late-game feature of Norse factions assimilating lower-tier Briton (Sea Kings) or Anglo-Saxon rosters into their own rosters.
Build system[edit | edit source]
Major factions - powerful ones - usually use the Rise of Kings system.
- No brainers - Franks, Byzantines, Danes, Khazars, Bulgars, Saracens (Iberians and Italian States added too?)
But smaller ones often use a system that is more akin to that of Warbirth's
- No Town Watch Guild or Nobles' Court. Instead, they get the Warrior Hall, which can be built almost all over the place, but is clearly weaker than a Nobles' Court
- The English are unique in that they are able to train Fyrd-type units - these are units that normally would be recruited from the Town Watch, eg Skirmisher Levies.
- For Wessex, the Noble Residence - already extant in Project 666 - is renamed the Manor, and it is from this building that Wessecean vassals can be recruited.
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