Category:The Northern Ravens

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Introduction[edit | edit source]

A mod for Rise of Nations by Beelim Solutions, and a more intimate exploration of the Viking Era in Europe.

  • Chief dev and research head: Ubba Ragnarsson
  • Graphics and art, assistant dev: Robur Velvetclaw
  • Public relations and administration: Diasavia.

Library[edit | edit source]

While the Library makes a return in The Northern Ravens, Assemblies and Sages instead form the intellectual backbone of this chapter of Rise of Kings, producing Knowledge which is then conducted to the Library for researching new technologies and eventually ageing up. The process of ageing up is vital for upgrading armies, and is also crucial for winning Wonder victories.

Additionally, The Northern Ravens uses the same upgrade system of Rise of Kings, yet its tech tree design is closer to that of Bronze Dawn - but not completely so. The mod's historical period of 750 to 1070CE means that tech tree limits should be in place, with large factions (eg Franks, Saracens, Denmark, Normandy) having the lion's share of technologies and upgrades, but smaller factions (eg Alba, Strathclydians, Bretons) getting a more limited number of upgrades (for instance, some factions may be deficient in Religion if they are non-Christian / non-Islamic but Christians and Muslims might lose access to the full Taxation track).

Technologies[edit | edit source]

All costs - involving resources and time - are also attuned to that of Warbirth, meaning that while you will be able to control as many as 400 or so units in a single game, your journey there will not be easy. Once you hit Level 4 Military, everything else beyond that will be a struggle to achieve, unless you have invested greatly in Cultural research and/or have acquired a Furs Rare Resource patch.

Trunk techs[edit | edit source]

Like Bronze Dawn, there are two tiers of Trunk technologies - the Dark Age is the basic level, followed by the Mediaeval Age.

Name Cost
[1] Dark Age
[1] Dark Age
[2] Mediaeval Age
[2] Mediaeval Age
Leads to : Indexation Animal Husbandry Communalism Fortifications Commonwealth

Book.png : 2,100
Food.jpg : 1,050

By virtue of being a prerequisite for these gateway upgrades, the Medieval Age upgrade also restricts access to other upgrades: Woodworking and Taxation also require this Trunk Tech to be researched before their upgrades can then be researched in turn. Yet, Indexation Indexation is probably the most important of all because it will also grant access later on to other upgrades — in particular, Architecture (required for Military Engineering) and Alchemical Lore.

(Scroll down to see Upgrades)

Commerce Commerce[edit | edit source]

Unlike other chapters which preserve vanilla parameters for this track such as Bronze Dawn and Chronicles, Commerce research in The Northern Ravens uses Influence and Food - thus making it harder, as can be expected, to either invest in culture or in industry. You can either invest your Food and Influence in exacting more tax, or spend it on the arts or your economy. The choice is yours.

Name Cost
Commerce Level 1: Records and Tallies
Records and Tallies
Book.png :100
Commerce Level 2: Entrepot Trade
Entrepot Trade
Leads to: Crop rotation Coppicing
Book.png :200
Commerce Level 3: Coinage
Book.png :300
Food.jpg :200
Commerce Level 4: Warehousing
Book.png :800
Food.jpg :300
Commerce Level 5: Road Networks
Road Networks

Leads to : Timber trade

Book.png :1,200
Food.jpg :500
Commerce Level 6: Infrastructure
Book.png :1,500
Food.jpg :800
Commerce Level 7: Cartography
Book.png :2,000
Food.jpg :1500

Science Science[edit | edit source]

Unlike other chapters which preserve vanilla parameters for this track such as Bronze Dawn and Chronicles, Scientific research in The Northern Ravens uses Influence and Food - thus making it harder, as can be expected, to either invest in culture or in industry. You can either invest your Food and Influence in exacting more tax, or spend it on the arts or your economy. The choice is yours.

i-War variations in this chapter mean that Scientific research is far less significant, since most buildings don't have any expandable LOS. However, since expandable LOS is now attached to the location of your Meeting House and the Palace wonder, it is still useful for you to research it if only as a precaution against anyone using spies or invisible units, such as the Dacians, Bach Viet or Germans.

Name Cost
Science Level 1: Patronage of the Arts
Patronage of the Arts
Leads to: Clergy

Food.jpg : 120

Science Level 2: Classicism
Leads to : Crop rotation Coppicing Masonry

Food.jpg : 170

Science Level 3: Archivists
 Leads to : Procurement Land law

Book.png : 160
Food.jpg : 120

Science Level 4: Weights and Measures
Weights and Measures
 Leads to : Cupellation process

Book.png : 300
Food.jpg : 300

Science Level 5: Mathematics

Book.png : 800
Food.jpg : 500

Science Level 6: Mechanical Energy
Mechanical Energy

Book.png : 1,200
Food.jpg : 800

Science Level 7: Philosophy

Book.png : 1,500
Food.jpg : 1,500

Administration Administration Research[edit | edit source]

The task of administration is less connected to public deliberations as it is now to creating a physical presence - Administration creates the population centres, but only Science or Commerce can make them flourish as economic hubs.

However, there are two areas of economic resource production which Administration governs -- and that is Wealth production through Taxation, as well as Food production through Agronomics. This, in addition to the Administration tech track taking over the vanilla Civics track of Rise of Nations (as well as its important task of expanding your geographic borders on the game map) makes the Administration track no less important (if not more) than the Military track. Without the resources and Peons that Administration can drag in, your empire will be stagnant.

Name Cost

Administration Level 1: Nationhood

Leads to : Oath of fealty
Wealth.jpg : 50
Administration Level 2: Authority

Leads to : Monotheism Poll tax

Wealth.jpg : 150
Timber.jpg : 120
Administration Level 3: Legislature
Leads to : Communalism
Wealth.jpg : 300
Timber.jpg : 160
Administration Level 4: Multicultural Society
Multicultural Society

Wealth.jpg : 500
Timber.jpg : 230
Administration Level 5: Manorial System
Manorial System
Leads to : Organised religion Vassalage
Wealth.jpg : 800
Timber.jpg : 500
Administration Level 6: Jurisdiction
Leads to : Moneylenders
Wealth.jpg : 1,000
Timber.jpg : 800
Administration Level 7: Sovereignty

Leads to : Darul Islam

Wealth.jpg : 1,500
Timber.jpg : 1,000
Book.png : 800

Nomenclature of this track of research is based on that of Swords of the Prophets. But we may change it over to fit the upgrades better with:

  • Level 1: Nationhood (new graphic required, source from Forge of Empires)
  • Level 2: Authority.
  • Level 5: Manorial System

Military Military[edit | edit source]

Perchance the favourite research track of all Rise of Nations players. However this does more than just provide the ability to train more troops at cheaper cost — it also grants access to better units too. Units that would normally appear in the High Mediaeval Era for Chronicles all would usually require the very highest levels of Military research, viz Retinue Cavalry, Frankish Knights and Swordsmen.

Name Cost
Military Level 1: Census

Food.jpg :170

Military Level 2: Feudal Levies
Feudal Levies

Food.jpg : 100
Ore.png : 100

Military Level 3: Cantonment System
Cantonment System
 Leads to : Fortification Order of battle

Food.jpg : 200
Ore.png : 160

Military Level 4: Mercenaries
 Leads to : Military Engineering Strategy
Book.png : 360
Ore.png : 250
Military Level 5: Heraldry and Code of Honour
Heraldry and Code of Honour

Book.png : 650
Ore.png : 400

Military Level 6: Professional Corps
Professional Corps

Book.png : 1,300
Ore.png : 500

Military Level 7: Strategic Reserves
Strategic Reserves
Book.png : 1,800
Ore.png : 1,200

After level 3, :

  • Level 4: x 2 length.
  • Level 5: x 3 length
  • Level 6: x 5 length
  • Level 7: x 7 length

Upgrades[edit | edit source]

The upgrade system of The Northern Raven is based off that of Chronicles, but with several glaring differences:

  • Upgrades that would normally take place in the Imperial Era are absent. Gateway upgrades that would permit these are not researchable, as are any upgrades that stem from them (Engineering, Bombardment, Operations, Medicine).
  • Tier 3 techs are often the purview of dominant powers. Muslims retain control of Five Pillars and Darul Islam at the House of Worship and the Nobles' Court, as befitting a more theocratic and despotic Abbasid era.
  • Imperial Mandate is now researchable by all Christian factions as well as the Khazars, but only the Byzantines will continue getting enhanced buildings like those it receives under the Chronicles chapter.

Woodworking Woodworking[edit | edit source]

Names have been changed (Paper milling, Deforestation replaced by Advanced woodworking, Timber trade) to preserve historical accuracy but they still carry over the original tech requirements of Chronicles.

Name Cost
 Prereqs : Science Level 2: Classicism Commerce Level 2: Entrepot Trade
Metal : 150
Food : 150
Advanced woodworking
Advanced woodworking
 Prereq : Procurement

Metal : 250
Food : 250

Timber trade
Timber trade
 Prereq : Commerce Level 5: Road Networks Land Law
Metal : 450
Food : 450

Construction Construction[edit | edit source]

Engineering (level 3) is omitted from The Northern Ravens.

Name Cost
Prereq: Science Level 2: Classicism

Wealth.jpg : 80
Timber.jpg : 80

Prereq: Indexation
Leads to : Open-cast mines Military engineering

Wealth.jpg : 150
Timber.jpg : 150

Agronomics Agronomics[edit | edit source]

Agronomics is a very valuable upgrade track since it increases Food yield and units. But it is also important since it also has one gateway upgrade: Land Law (Level 3)

Name Cost
Crop rotation
Crop rotation
 Prereqs : Science Level 2: Classicism Commerce Level 2: Entrepot Trade

Ore.png : 150
Timber.jpg : 150

Animal Husbandry
Animal Husbandry

Prereq: Mediaeval Age

Ore.png : 250
Timber.jpg : 250
Land Law
Land Law
Prereq: Science Level 3: Archivists Oath of fealty
Leads to : Imperial Mandate Timber trade
Ore.png : 450
Timber.jpg : 450

Healthcare Healthcare[edit | edit source]

Medicine (level 3) is omitted from The Northern Ravens.

Name Cost
Prereq: Science Level 2: Classicism
Food.jpg : 80
Wealth.jpg : 80
Alchemical lore
Alchemical lore
Prereq: Encyclopaedia
Food.jpg : 180
Wealth.jpg : 180

Metallurgy Metallurgy[edit | edit source]

Mechanised Metalworking (level 3) is omitted from The Northern Ravens. Names of technologies have also been altered, since Chronicles’ original system was relevant mostly for the High and Late Mediaeval Era.

Name Cost
Cupellation process
Cupellation process
Prereq : Science Level 4: Weights and Measures

Timber.jpg : 250
Food.jpg : 250

Open-cast mines
Open-cast mines
 Prereq : Architecture

Timber.jpg : 450
Food.jpg : 450

Logistics Logistics[edit | edit source]

Quartermasters (level 3) is omitted from The Northern Ravens.

Name Cost
Prereq : Science Level 3: Archivists
Leads to: Advanced Woodworking
Ore.png : 80
Wealth.jpg : 80
Prereq : Strategy
Ore.png : 160
Wealth.jpg : 160

Pedagogics Pedagogics[edit | edit source]

Printing Press (level 3) is omitted from The Northern Ravens.


 Prereqs : Mediaeval Age
Leads to : Architecture
Timber.jpg : 200
 Leads to : Alchemical lore
Timber.jpg : 400

Two technologies - Five Pillars and Darul Islam - are available for research to the Saracens at the House of Worship and the Nobles' Court, respectively.


Five Pillars
Five Pillars
 Prereq : Clergy
Timber.jpg : 550
Food.jpg : 250
Darul Islam
Prereq : Administration Level 7: Sovereignty
Wealth.jpg : 990

Strategy Strategy[edit | edit source]

Operations (level 3) is omitted from The Northern Ravens.


Order of Battle
Order of Battle
Prereq : Military Level 3: Cantonment System
Wealth.jpg : 80
Food.jpg : 80
Prereq : Military Level 4: Mercenaries
Leads to : Supply
Wealth.jpg : 150
Food.jpg : 150

Taxation Taxation[edit | edit source]

Name Cost
Poll tax
Poll tax
Prereq: Administration Level 2: Authority
Food.jpg : 170;
Book.png : 170
Prereq: Administration Level 5: Manorial System Oath of Fealty
Food.jpg : 450;
Book.png : 250
Prereq: Administration Level 6: Jursidiction Communalism
Food.jpg : 800;
Book.png : 400

There is a possibility that only non-Christian, non-Muslim factions may research Moneylenders. For obvious reasons.

Religion Religion[edit | edit source]

It is likely that only factions that have access to some sort of Monotheistic religion (through adoption or exposure) may research Monotheism; again, the exact specifics is unknown as long as Ubba is a no-show.

Name Cost
Prereq: Science Level 1: Astrology and Horology
Leads to : Five Pillars
Book.png : 170;
Food.jpg : 70
Prereq: Administration Level 2: Authority
Leads to : Citizenship
Book.png : 450;
Food.jpg : 150
Organised Religion
Organised Religion
Prereq: Administration Level 5: Manorial System
Leads to : Imperial Mandate
Book.png : 600;
Food.jpg : 300

Not being able to research Monotheism automatically locks access to Tier 3 Tax (Moneylenders).

Fortification Fortification[edit | edit source]

Bombardment (level 3) is omitted from The Northern Ravens.

Name Cost
Prereq : Mediaeval Age Military Level 3: Cantonment System
Leads to : Citizenship

Wealth.jpg : 150
Ore.png : 120

Military engineering
Military engineering
Prereq : Military Level 4: Mercenaries Architecture

Wealth.jpg : 300
Ore.png : 240

Only major factions (those that have made an appearance in Chronicles) are expected to receive all upgrades. Smaller factions (such as Essex and Wessex) may not be eligible to research both.
As in Chronicles, researching Fortification automatically upgrades all Forts to Castles, and Towers to Keeps.

Attrition Attrition[edit | edit source]

Name Cost
Oath of fealty
Oath of fealty
Prereq : Administration Level 1: Nationhood
Leads to : Land law Vassalage
Ore.png : 80
Wealth.jpg : 80
Prereqs : Mediaeval Age Administration Level 3: Legislature
Leads to : Moneylenders
Ore.png : 150
Wealth.jpg : 150
Prereqs : Monotheism Fortification
Ore.png : 300
Wealth.jpg : 300

A fourth technology, Imperial Mandate, is researchable to the Byzantines (and possibly Christian factions) from the Nobles' Court.

Name Cost
Imperial Mandate
Imperial Mandate
Prereqs : Organised religion Land law
Food.jpg : 1,500
Timber.jpg : 700

Politics Politics[edit | edit source]

  • Green techs: Populism, Due Process, Urban Corporation
  • Red techs: Feudalism, Monarchy

Only the Peer is available for the Green track of research. Urban Corporation has a production bonus for Siege Workshop and Dockyard.

Green Policies[edit | edit source]

Note that only the Doge/Burgher is available for this entire track of research, but Officers may be recruited once Due Process has been researched.

Name Cost
Metal : 150
Food : 250
Due Process
Due Process
Metal : 250
Food : 450
 Prereqs : Mediaeval Age

Metal : 450
Food : 800

Red Policies[edit | edit source]

Name Cost

Wealth.jpg : 300
Timber.jpg : 160


Wealth.jpg : 600
Timber.jpg : 300

Only two Red policies are available for research — this is in contrast with Green policies, which have three tiers, but only one Patriot available.

Patriot design[edit | edit source]


  • Green: The Earl (the only one)
  • Red: Duke, Monarch


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